Monday 12 July 2010


Today we pretty much decided that Isaac hates his little carry cot thing that is currently his bed. He'd only ever sleep in it if you put him in  v e r y  s l o w l y  a n d  c a r e f u l l y  after he fell asleep somewhere else - usually in my arms! Of course this means that he spends most nights in our bed, which although lovely, means that none of us sleep very well. Not that we sleep that well anyway as we are (or rather, I am) constantly getting up to feed him, but you know what I mean.

It occurred to me sometime in the night that actually we could probably fit the proper cot in our room, and since it's much more like our bed, he might actually like it enough to fall asleep in! When we first moved here I thought we'd never be able to fit a cot in there as well as a double bed and a chest of drawers, but rather surprisingly it works quite well and the room feels (if anything) bigger than it did with a thin table bearing a carry cot!

Please excuse the mess. I will tidy that up later - I got somewhat distracted by sorting out this:

Yes, since moving the cot, we now have a spare room - for the time being! My hubby has just started up his own business, Icthus Web Design (currently under construction - go here for his blog) and wanted a little office space... and now he's got one =D Hopefully it'll help him get more work done as well.

So all in all, the swap around worked really well. I can say this because Isaac has just drifted off to sleep in his cot! Admittedly I did have to sit in the room until he was asleep, but to be fair to him he's never had to sleep away from me before so I didn't mind. Hopefully I won't have to do that for too long, since he definitely seems to like his cot. I expect the familiar room helps too.

Of course, I couldn't resist making a little something to string over the cot to keep Isaac occupied. Ahh the usefulness of string!

Lol yeah it looks rather pants in that photo.... well he likes it anyway!

Rubbish cot, though... so rickety and not really very safe... I want to replace that as soon as I can. It was his gran's when she was little, I believe!

It feels a bit odd being downstairs on my own. Isaac's asleep in our bedroom and SJ's in his 'office', so I'm all alone. Oooo. I suppose this is something I should get used to again (after all, it's just like when SJ was working). It's not exactly unpleasant to have some time to myself, either!!

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